Ep 84 Turning to Stone: Earthlings on a Dynamic Granite Planet with Marcia Bjornerud
Ray and Dave go rock hunting through the eons with Marcia Bjornerud, a structural geologist, author and Professor of Geosciences at Lawrence University, Wi.

Ep 84 Paleo Nerds with Marcia Bjornerud
Marcia Bjornerud is a structural geologist
Turning to Stone by Marcia Bjornerud
Alan Alda’s Clear and Vivid Podcast
Excerpt from John McPhee’s Basin and Range
The mountain of Obsidian in the Owens Valley, CA
Marcia’s Book Turning to Stone The New Yorker Article
Geology of Mars
Mineralogist and Astrobiologist Robert Hazen
The Great Oxygenation Event
Limestone carbon capture
Neologism-What is it?
Geologic map of the world website
What is Terrane?
Ray’s drawing of the “Great Alaskan Terrane Wreck”
Garnet in the Earth, not on your necklace
Olivine in igneous rocks
Black smokers at a hydrothermal vent
Book on water, "The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water"
The Fourth phase of Water
Ultra high metamorphosed Eclogite
Actual crime scene evidence of ancient earthquakes -Pseudotachylite
Serpentinite-hydrated rock formed deep beneath the ocean floor
Third largest known asteroid impact structure on Earth, The Sudbury Basin in Ontario
The Difference between limestone and dolomite
Snowball Earth would’ve been a pale “White” dot from Saturn’s view
Polynyas, not Polly Annas!
Marcia’s inspirational talk at the Long Now Foundation, a must watch!
Earth’s history at Arm’s Length YouTube video
Dave wanted animations, well here is Kirk Johnson’s “Making North America”
Trilobite/Ammonite by the Amish Robots
Mellow by Ray Troll
The Wait by Whiskey Class
Dayte by Whiskey Class
Flicker of Light by Whiskey Class
Seconds in a Lifetime by Russell Wodehouse