Episode #60 Sonic Signals Bouncing Off the Biggest Migration on Earth with Kelly Benoit-Bird
Dave and Ray dive deep with Kelly Benoit-Bird to discuss the denizens of the not so deep, the Mesopelagics; the largest migration of vertebrates on planet Earth.

Kelly Benoit-Bird is a Sonic Explorer, Acoustic Marine Biologist, and Senior Scientist & Science Chair at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and her discoveries within the Mesopelagic zone and it's ecosystem are mind-blowing!
Topics of discussion during this podcast!
7 Safest Mushrooms to pick and eat
T. rex's short arms may have lowered risk of bites during feeding frenzies
More T-Rex shorty arms discussion
Bats and their echolocation
Mesopelagic Zone
The Ocean Twilight Zone
Most abundant fish in the Ocean, the Bristlemouth
A cyclone of fish
Mesopelagic Southern Ocean Prey and Predators
Understanding Umwelt
What are Plankton?
Sonar Explained
What is an AUV: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Copepods are everywhere
Scary Dragonfish Larvae
Risso’s Dolphins
You don’t want to eat wax esters
Fatty Fish
Marine snow
One of the first mammals to become aquatic; “The walking Whale”
A stupid Bioluminescenct dinosaur
Ready to Grow by WHiskey Class
Trilobite by the Amish Robots
Melloooo from Ray Troll
Seconds in a Lifetime by Russell Wodehouse