Credits: Episode 13
"Evolving Towards a Sense of Beauty" with Carl Safina
Music Credits In Order:
Theme Music: “I’m a Paleo Nerd” performed by the Ratfish Wranglers, from the Cruisin’ the Fossil Freeway album, written by Ray Troll and Russell Wodehouse, vocals by Stephen Jackson and Shauna Lee.
"Cumulus" by Lance Conrad
"Garbo" written and performed by Whiskey Class (Liz Snyder and Patrick Troll) from the album 48 Hours
Teach me to Dance
Cosmic Connection
“Life’s Rich Pageant” written and performed by Russell Wodehouse, from the album Dancing to the Fossil Record
"Angel 3" by Sara Ayres
"Dayte" written and performed by Whiskey Class (Liz Snyder and Patrick Troll) from the album 48 Hours
“Flicker of Light” written and performed by Whiskey Class (Liz Snyder and Patrick Troll) from the album 48 Hours
"Ringlod" written and performed by Russell Wodehouse
Reading List:
Coming into the Country by John McPhee
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
A Whale for the Killing by Farley Mowat
Secret Life of Lobsters by Trevor Corson
Outlaw Ocean by Ian Urbina
Watch List: